Fort Belvoir Elementary - Week at a Glance for May 24th to May 28th
See what's happening at our school this week!
May 31: Memorial Day Holiday- School and Office closed
June 8: Virtual Synchronous Learning Day
Tuesday, June 8, is the Democratic Primary Election. Because the Fairfax County Electoral Board and City of Fairfax Electoral Board will be using 165 school facilities as polling locations (including Orange Hunt ES), June 8 will be a virtual synchronous learning day (no in-person classes) for students.
June 11: Last Day of School (2 Hour Early Release)
FCPS Laptop Return
We are quickly approaching the end of the school year! Many of our students have checked out a laptop for either virtual or in person instruction. All FCPS provided laptops and chargers need will need to be returned at the end of the school year for reimaging and maintenance. How the device is returned to school depends on if you are a virtual or in person student:
In Person Students:
The last day of school is Friday, June 11th. In person students will return their FCPS provided laptop and charger during the final week of school in their classrooms. Please send your child to school on with their laptop, power cord, and any other FCPS provided digital accessories (headphones, mice, MiFi’s). The FBPS Technology Team will come to each classroom to collect and catalogue all returned laptops. If the laptop is broken or not efficiently working, please submit a RequestIT ticket to let our Technology Team know about the specific issues.
Virtual Students:
Virtual students will return their laptop and charger at a drive through laptop drop-off in the bus loop the afternoon of Friday June 11th from 3:15pm until 5:00pm (Please do not enter the bus loop until all of the buses are gone) and between 8:30am and 4:30pm on Monday June 14th Please drop off the laptop with the provided power cord and any other borrowed FCPS digital accessories (headphones, mice, MiFi’s). If the computer is broken or not efficiently working, please submit a RequestIT ticket to let our Technology Team know about the computer issues. Upper School students may also drop off their laptops at this time if they are unable to drop them off during the Upper School’s laptop collection date/time. If you have any library books, you may also return them at this time. For library questions, please email Ms. Kalletta.
PreK Students:
The Office of Early Childhood Education is extending our Ready Rosie and Waterford county wide program to all PreK families and students this summer. We recognize that may of the families will not have access to devices in order to use these programs. As a result, PreK students will need to retain equipment over the summer to be able to participate in using these programs virtually from home. If a child is leaving the county or state they will need to return the laptop checked out to them, however any returning PreK child will need to retain the device. PreK teachers will be working to communicate with families about the usage of these two programs over the summer. Our Technology Team will send out further communication as to when PreK families can return their laptops to the school. If you have any library books, you may also return them at this time. For library questions, please email Ms. Kalletta.
Moving Students:
If you are moving or leaving before the last day of school, please drop your device off beforehand. Please drop off the laptop with the provided power cord and any other borrowed FCPS digital accessories (headphones, mice, MiFi’s). If the computer is broken or not efficiently working, please submit a RequestIT ticket to let our Technology Team know about the computer issues. If you have any library books, you may also return them at this time. For library questions, please email Ms. Kalletta.
Parent Approval Needed for Digital Resources!

At Fort Belvoir Elementary, our teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. You can find our school’s list of the resources that require parental consent here.
Included on this page is also a link to a form where the enrolling parent or guardian will need to indicate whether or not their student is allowed to use the list of digital resources this year. Please note, that the form will need to be filled in for each enrolled child. This page also provides more information about how FCPS carefully reviews digital resources for approval and why we must request your consent before using certain tools. We encourage you to complete the parental consent for digital resources form as soon as possible, as your child will not be able to use the digital resources until we have received your permission. Please reach out to your child’s teacher or our School Based Technology Specialists Rejane Martinez (Upper School) or Lauren Damico (Primary School) if you have questions or concerns about the digital resources we’ve chosen to use this year.
Technology Support for Families

The FCPS Technology Resource page provides tip sheets and support in multiple languages. These tip sheets provide answers to basic questions about FCPS technologies. Often you can find the answer to your question in these resources. For technical support questions about your online parent accounts, your student’s FCPS laptop, or technology your student uses for online learning, contact the Parent Technology Help Desk (toll free) at 833-921-3277 or enter a support request ticket via the Parent and Student IT Portal.
The Parent Technology Help Desk will be answered 7 a.m.-11 p.m., seven days a week. Parents who need help in a language other than English should let help desk staff know, and an interpreter will join them on the line. (FCPS has Parent Information Phone Lines available in eight languages to assist with general questions about FCPS.)
Student Health
If your student is not feeling well, we ask that you please keep them home. They may still access the class virtually.
If your child will be absent from school, please email Primary's attendance at @email or call 703-781-2750 with the reason why your child is absent. Please be specific about the reason why your child will not be attending.
Per FCPS Policy, all students who are two years of age and older are required to wear face coverings/masks (cloth or disposable) while on school property (including inside FCPS facilities, during FCPS provided transportation and school sponsored activities).
This includes parents/guardians who walk students to school or access the kiss and ride line. Per FCPS policy, people who are vaccinated must also wear a mask on FCPS property.
Bridge to Kindergarten
Fort Belvoir Primary School is pleased to inform you of a summer program that may be just right for your child. Bridge to Kindergarten is designed for students entering Kindergarten this fall who have had little or no prior pre-school experience.
The Bridge to Kindergarten program will begin on July 12th and end on July 30th. The program is Monday through Friday from 9:40 a.m. to 1:40 p.m. There is no tuition or fee for this program. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and bus transportation will be available within our school boundaries.
If you have not yet registered your child for Kindergarten, please begin the registration process here.
Space is limited and registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For additional information, please contact Kate McLaughlin at @email as soon as possible and no later than May 24th, 2021.
We hope that your child will be able to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to attend Bridge to Kindergarten at Fort Belvoir Primary!

Learning is life-long, and the past 12 months have proven we are all in this together. FCPS will provide all students with materials, and you can read about those here. In addition to those free materials sent to your home, we will have by invitation only summer school sessions for rising Kindergarteners and current students in K, 1, and 2. This week, invitations went out to parents, guardians, or caregivers of recommended students, so check your email inboxes and junk folders. If you have questions, please contact Kate McLaughlin at @email.
Grab and Go Meals
Fort Belvoir Primary School is now a Meal Kits site!
Fairfax Meal Kits will be offered at several sites, containing seven (7) days of breakfast and lunch items packed in bulk, with some sites also serving afternoon snack and supper meals in the box.
Meal kits will be available for pick up every Monday from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or until supplies are exhausted. Please watch for delayed opening or closure notices due to inclement weather.
All meals are available at no-cost to FCPS students and children eighteen (18) years of age and under. Parents/caregivers may pick up for children and adults may purchase kits for $28.00.
Please wear a mask when picking up the meal kits.
Please contact the Office of Food and Nutrition Services at 703-813-4800 with any questions.
Please visit for more information
Meal Distribution Plan for
Memorial Day Holiday Weekend
The following plan is in place to provide meals to students over the Memorial Day holiday weekend:
Monday May 24
- Meal Kit sites will serve 8 day meal kits
Thursday May 27
- Grab and Go locations and bus stops will serve two days of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and supper meals
Friday May 28
- Grab and Go locations and bus stops serve three days of breakfast and lunch, plus one day of afternoon snack and supper meal
Monday May 31
- no meal service
Tuesday June 1
- Grab and Go locations and all bus stops resume daily service
- Meal Kit sites will serve 6 day meal kits

ST Math: Help Children Love Math This Summer: A Webinar for K-6 Families
*This webinar will NOT be recorded.
Every student has the potential to deeply understand and truly love math. This belief helps ST Math become a powerful tool many students are using in FCPS. Students develop their math knowledge through challenging puzzles, non-routine problem solving, and informative feedback.
Join us for this important webinar to learn how families can use ST Math with their children to help them develop a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics.
Webinar Highlights:
- Discover how learning occurs in ST Math
- Support students working in the program from home
- Uncover how to view student progress
- Locate additional resources for ST Math use at home
Presented by Jim deBerjeois, and Vivian Doughty, Professional Learning Specialists at MIND Research Unit.
May 24, 2021 10-10:45 a.m. and 6:30-7:15 p.m
AND June 7, 2021 10-10:45 a.m. and 6:30-7:15 p.m.
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