Student News by FBES Primary Students
Get the scoop directly from our students.
During the holidays people have fun and spend time together.
Many students have favorite holidays. One student said “My favorite holiday is Christmas.” Another student agreed and said “ My favorite holiday is Christmas because of the presents!” Also another student said “My favorite holiday is Christmas and Halloween.”
Some students see family over the holidays like a close friend of mine. She said “Yes, family do come over on some holidays and visit us here.”
Student Reporter: Maximus -3rd Grade
Our Fort Belvoir Primary news crew is where kids do the announcements for the school each day. They introduce the Principals and the watch dogs on the show each day. Our news crew has 6 jobs that include director, anchor, pledge, slideshow creator, mixing board director and upcoming slides creator. The kids on the news crew practice their job every day.
One student said they like being on the news because “It gives you fun and educational information.” Another student said “I like teaching different news crews.” A new news crew will start the last week in December.
Student Reporter: Kylie -3rd Grade
Second graders are building an insect or bug habitat. They started building on Monday, December 9th. They are working in groups of 3 or 4 students. Families sent in things like milk cartons and shoe boxes that students could use to build. One student said “I am adding what they (the bugs) need to live.” He said ”The bugs we would like to live in our habitat are ants, spiders and more.”
When the 2nd graders are done, the projects will be displayed in the library. The library will look like a museum for insect homes.
Student Reporter: Emily - 3rd Grade
We had a great winter break. Many students and teachers went and did many things.
Some students and teachers did things with family. Mrs.Kishter, third grade teacher, said “all of her family came to visit her sister.” Some people stayed home with their family. Emily, third graders, said “I stayed home for winter break.”
Some people did things with friends. Jaelyn, third graders, said “I played outside during winter break.” Camryn, third graders, said “I went to a few parties.” People hung out with their family and friends this winter break.
Student Reporter: Maximus -3rd Grade