Fort Belvoir Elementary - Week at a Glance for June 7th to June 11th
See what's happening at our school this week!
Mark Your Calendars!
June 8: Virtual Synchronous Learning Day
(All classes will be virtual)
June 11: Last Day of School
(2 Hour Early Release)

Fort Belvoir Upper and Fort Belvoir Primary families,
As we start planning for next year, if you would like to share information regarding class placement, please complete this optional survey to share your input regarding your child's potential learning environment. Please do not request a specific teacher by name; all of our teachers are certified, talented, and dedicated to the success of our students. Rather, please describe the qualities of the teacher and learning environment which you believe will work best for your child. We will take all input into consideration, and will make as many great matches as possible as we finalize both staffing and student placements later this summer.
Please use this form to submit input for consideration. You must fill out a separate form for each child. The link is the same for both Fort Belvoir Upper and Fort Belvoir Primary. Please submit input by Thursday, June 18th.
Your child’s success at Fort Belvoir Elementary School is of utmost importance to us, and we look forward to our continued partnership in the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!
Optional Class Placement Survey

Fort Belvoir Elementary Laptop Return

We are quickly approaching the end of the school year! Many of our students have checked out a laptop for either virtual or in person instruction. All FCPS provided laptops and chargers need will need to be returned at the end of the school year for reimaging and maintenance. How the device is returned to school depends on if you are a virtual or in person student and if your child attends the primary or upper school:
Upper School Laptop Return:
In Person Students:
Laptops will be collected at school in your child's classroom on June 9th and 10th. Laptops must be returned with their FCPS provided charger and any FCPS provided digital accessories.
Virtual Students:
Virtual students will return their laptop and charger at a drive through laptop drop-off in front of the Upper school. Laptops can be dropped off at these either of these dates/times:
- Monday June 7th from 9 until 11 or 12 until 3
- Tuesday June 8th from 9 until 11 or 12 until 3
Primary School Laptop Return:
In Person Students:
The last day of school is Friday, June 11th. In person students will return their FCPS provided laptop and charger during the final week of school in their classrooms. Please send your child to school on with their laptop, power cord, and any other FCPS provided digital accessories (headphones, mice, MiFi’s). The FBPS Technology Team will come to each classroom to collect and catalogue all returned laptops. If the laptop is broken or not efficiently working, please submit a RequestIT ticket to let our Technology Team know about the specific issues.
Virtual Students:
Virtual students will return their laptop and charger at a drive through laptop drop-off in the bus loop the afternoon of Friday June 11th from 3:15pm until 5:00pm (Please do not enter the bus loop until all of the buses are gone) and between 8:30am and 4:30pm on Monday June 14th Please drop off the laptop with the provided power cord and any other borrowed FCPS digital accessories (headphones, mice, MiFi’s). If the computer is broken or not efficiently working, please submit a RequestIT ticket to let our Technology Team know about the computer issues. Upper School students may also drop off their laptops at this time if they are unable to drop them off during the Upper School’s laptop collection date/time. If you have any library books, you may also return them at this time. For library questions, please email Ms. Kalletta.
PreK Students:
The Office of Early Childhood Education is extending our Ready Rosie and Waterford county wide program to all PreK families and students this summer. We recognize that may of the families will not have access to devices in order to use these programs. As a result, PreK students will need to retain equipment over the summer to be able to participate in using these programs virtually from home. If a child is leaving the county or state they will need to return the laptop checked out to them, however any returning PreK child will need to retain the device. PreK teachers will be working to communicate with families about the usage of these two programs over the summer. Our Technology Team will send out further communication as to when PreK families can return their laptops to the school. If you have any library books, you may also return them at this time. For library questions, please email Ms. Kalletta.
Moving Students:
If you are moving or leaving before the last day of school, please drop your device off beforehand. Please drop off the laptop with the provided power cord and any other borrowed FCPS digital accessories (headphones, mice, MiFi’s). If the computer is broken or not efficiently working, please submit a RequestIT ticket to let our Technology Team know about the computer issues. If you have any library books, you may also return them at this time. For library questions, please email Ms. Kalletta.
Library Book Suggestions
Saw a great book in a book store? Have a topic your student loves?
Tell Ms Kalletta about it so she can purchase them for the library.
Email her at @email or fill out this form to share your ideas about books!
Counseling Team
Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey so the Counseling Team can offer relevant programing in the 2021-2022 school year. We look forward to facilitating social emotional workshops that best fit the needs of our families. Please click here to complete.
FCPS Mask Policy
Per FCPS Policy, all students who are two years of age and older are required to wear face coverings/masks (cloth or disposable) while on school property (including inside FCPS facilities, during FCPS provided transportation and school sponsored activities.
This includes parents/guardians who walk students to school or access the kiss and ride line. Per FCPS policy, people who are vaccinated must also wear a mask while on FCPS property.
Grab and Go Meals Meal Kits June 7 to June 14
Meal kits will be available only on June 7, June 10 and June 14 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or until supplies are exhausted.
All meals are available at no-cost to FCPS students and children eighteen (18) years of age and under. Parents/caregivers may pick up for children and adults may purchase kits for $28.00.
Please wear a mask when picking up the meal kits.
Please contact the Office of Food and Nutrition Services at 703-813-4800 with any questions.
Please visit for more information.
Meal Distribution Plan for the End of School Year
The following plan is in place to provide meals to students from June 7 to June 14 as the school year ends:
Monday, June 7
- Buses will run normal schedule and offer extra meals.
- Meal Kit sites will offer meal kits with 7 days of breakfast and lunch, plus 5 days of afternoon snack and supper meals.
- Grab and Go locations will offer meal kits with 7 days of breakfast and lunch, plus 5 days of afternoon snack and supper meals.
Tuesday, June 8 - All students are virtual this day due to election activity at the schools
- Buses will run normal schedule and offer extra meals.
- Meal Kit sites closed.
- Grab and Go locations closed.
Wednesday, June 9
- Buses will run normal schedule and offer extra meals.
- Meal Kit sites closed.
- Grab and Go locations closed.
Thursday, June 10
- Buses will run normal schedule and offer extra meals, and final day of afternoon snack and supper meal distribution on bus routes.
- Meal Kit sites will offer meal kits with 7 days of breakfast and lunch.
- Grab and Go locations will offer meal kits with 7 days of breakfast and lunch.
Friday, June 11
- Bus routes will not run for meal distribution due to school early release of students.
- Meal Kit sites closed.
- Grab and Go locations closed.
Monday, June 14 - Last day of current meal distribution plan at Meal Kit sites, Grab and Go locations, and all bus routes
- Buses will run normal schedule and offer extra meals.
- Meal Kit sites will offer meal kits with 7 days of breakfast and lunch.
- Grab and Go locations will offer meal kits with 7 days of breakfast and lunch.
Information on FCPS meal distribution over the summer months will be shared to students and families the week of June 7. Please note that locations and bus routes for summer meal distribution will be different from the school year plan.
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